Christmas Cactus Care for Beginners

Christmas cactus flowers

Christmas Cactus Care: Overview The Christmas cactus is part of an odd group of tree-dwelling cacti native to the rainforests of Brazil. If provided the relatively simple care outlined in this guide, the Christmas cactus’ gorgeous flowers and trailing growth habit will enliven your home every holiday season. But, before we proceed, the author must […]

Aglaonema propagation: cuttings

The Aglaonema cuttings used in this article

Aglaonema Propagation Background Aglaonema propagation is a simple process and special equipment is not required (rooting hormone, humidity domes, etc.) Rooting Aglaonema cuttings is somewhat unlike rooting other cuttings because the number of nodes is irrelevant. As a general rule, I take cuttings with stems at least 5-6″ long (not including the leaves) with 5 […]

Aglaonemas: Out with the old and in with the new?

New Aglaonema Red Valentine which shows the bright red colors

What’s in the name: The plants comprising the Genus Aglaonema are known by several names. Way back when growers, used one phrase for our plant: Chinese Evergreen. This colloquialism seems to have fallen out of favor some time ago and I have know them only by the proper genus name Aglaonema, derived from the Greek […]